Green bioscience for a more sustainable solution

A new Swedish innovation in disinfection for hands and surfaces

We are setting a new standard in hygiene by providing effective products that are adapted to skin and surfaces to be used daily without causing dry skin or damaged materials and instruments.

Clinical tests showing antibacterial and virucidal effecacy with a long lasting effect.

Keep your hands or surface in good condition and get rid of unwanted germs with our dermatologically tested formula!

  • MORE EFFECTIVE Less sick leave due to effect also against ie. Norovirus (Winterflu).
  • NON OXIDATING / SOLVENT Non corrosive or solvent leaves materials intact
  • NON VOC A better work environment with non evaporating chemicals (cf. Ethanol)
  • LONG LASTING EFFECT Biopolymer™plus has proven effect over time and wear.
  • SUSTAINABLE No more dangerous goods transportations or special handling or storage needed.
  • NON FLAMMABLE Safe to store and use in any space where fire could be a severe threat.
  • NO ABUSESafe in schools, psychological clinics and other areas where alcohol-based products could be used for drinking.
  • GREENER OPTION Makes a smaller impact and aligns with several of the UNs environmental goals.
  • RECYCLABLE No need for sorting in dangerous waste (cf. Ethanol).
  • SUPPLY Continuous delivery during peaks like pandemics.
  • PRICE STABILITY Low impact from energy and raw material markets.
  • CUSTOM BRANDING Make hygiene a part of your brand and give your customers a positive experience of hygiene.

Get in touch with us if you have questions about our products. We are here to help.

Some of our customers

Follow our journey of replacing dangerous chemicals by more sustainable solutions

Order your free design proposal today

Private label products makes you the brand your customers hands. Explore our private label antibacterial products and see which option fits you.

Quick list of products we supply

  • Foam and spray dispensers, manual and automatic
  • 20 ml pocket spray
  • Classic sprays in different sizes
  • Foam solutions
  • Wipes
  • Custom solutions

We can supply you with sample design based on your logo for free. Click the button and fill out the form.

Click here to get your
free design proposal
Be the brand in peoples hands

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Städbranschen Sverige jämför alkoholbaserad och alkoholfri desinfektion

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Öppet brev till Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner gällande bristerna i hanteringen av farliga kemikalier

I vårt arbete med att driva en substitution av farliga kemikalier har vi uppmärksammat en rad systemfel. Sveriges kommuners och regioners inköpare vid upphandlingsenheterna upphandlar farliga kemikalier men verksamhetsutövarna saknar kunskap och rutiner för att hantera farliga kemikalier. I Sveriges kommuner och Regioner avviker i…
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Förslag till Folhälsomyndigheten gällande märkning av alkoholhaltiga preparat som dricks för berusning

Alkoholbaserad desinfektion har tyvärr även använts för berusning, vilket är en allvarlig baksida med handsprit. Under våren har incidenter rapporterats där barn på SIS-boenden, HVB-hem och patienter runt om på landets sjukhus samt vårdpersonal har druckit handsprit för att berusa sig. Speciellt utsatta avdelningar är…
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Dagens Industri tar upp Skatteverkets utredning kring de obetalda skatterna för handsprit

Dagens Industri skriver om de obetalda skatterna för handsprit. Vi uttalar oss i tidningen om hur en omställning från farliga kemikalier försenas genom att tillverkare och importörer inte betalar punktskatten. Den obetalda skatten har gjort att handsprit kunnat säljas till orimligt låga priser och skapat…
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We are expanding globally for increased availability

Hygiene of Sweden has research, production and sales representatives around the world. We are continuously adding countries and regions to our reach with ongoing registrations to comply with local regulations. Get in touch with us if you any questions or want a current update regarding your particular area.

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