We are pleased to present Robert Löfgren as the new CEO of the company. He has previously been an important part of the sales team and will now also take over the role of CEO.
Robert has previously worked at Direktpress and the rewritten magazine Bulletin as both sales manager and CEO.
I see Hygiene of Sweden as one of Europe’s leading biotechnology companies. We conduct extensive innovation work to develop new technology in cleaning and disinfection. I look forward to leading and developing the work towards more green solutions for a sustainable future.
Hygiene of Sweden is a very exciting company. Today we have one of the most developed and advanced formulas on the market for hand hygiene. As I step in, we will be able to take further steps to strengthen our grip on the markets of southern Europe, and parts of the Middle East. Demand for environmentally friendly and renewable products is increasing, and our type of biotechnology is important for the pharmaceutical, food and forestry industries. The future of our type of product line looks bright.
The rest of the team at Hygiene of Sweden are happy that Robert has accepted the new role and look forward to taking new steps towards becoming a leading brand in hygiene.
Robert Löfgren
0722 33 65 20
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.