At the start of the pandemic alcohol based sanitizers were in short of supply. Countless companies stocked up with every single bottle they could come over.
The momentary demand for a sanitizers surged around the globe, as the new coronavirus was spreading, prompting retailers in some cases to even ration supplies.
Two years later, warehouses are now flooded with alcohol-based sanitizers. Authorities, Swedish pharmacies, Finnish distributors; all witness about that they have tons and tons of products that need to be destroyed as the expiration date is about to pass.
Some companies have avoided this issue by unloading stock by shipping it to Ukraine to “support the troops”.
The rest of the stock will have to make another tour on an ADR (dangerous goods transport) vehicle to a special site for destruction.
There is a better way.
Avoiding hazardous chemicals makes the planet a safer place. No need for extra transports, no more dangerous goods vehicles that create additional CO2, and increase the risk for catastrophic accidents in traffic.
There are several advantages of Hygiene of Swedens alcohol free BioPolymer+ formula (besides long expiration date) . BioPolymer+ does not require ADR transportation as it is not classified as dangerous goods. Nor does it become dangerous waste so there is no need for a complicated and expensive destruction process.
Also, choosing a product with constant supply even during pandemics creates no need for desperate hoarding.
Choose wisely and get both financial and environmental advantages.
The 23rd of June 2021 a transport of Alcogel caught fire on E6, North of Gothenburg. Fortunately no one was injured due to this accident.
MSB – Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Labelling rules – Flammable or very flammable for alcogel (Swedish)
Naturvårdsverket – Swedish Environmental Authority – plans for decreasing the amount of waste , dangerous waste and the amount of hazardous ingredients in products
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.