Our mission of educating people about the importance of clean hands is both crucial and enjoyable. We recognize the challenge of making hand hygiene a compelling topic, especially when it’s not in the forefront of discussions, unless there’s a pandemic or illness outbreak. Then the discussion should already have taken place to avoid it. Knowledge is what we have identified as the key to better hygiene.
Most of us have grown up hearing our parents say, “Wash your hands.” However, as we move away from home, it becomes someone else’s responsibility to reinforce this habit. We strive to be an inspiring source for this transition.
Did you wash your hands? – Unknown Mom
By prioritizing clean hands, we not only maintain our own health but also positively influence the well-being of those around us.
Let’s make clean hands a daily habit, and now, we’re making it sustainable too.
Introducing our new autumn campaign, “Did you know?” by Hygiene of Sweden. This campaign will be disseminated through our distributors, partners, online media, and social platforms.
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.