A survey conducted at a Lyreco event, 12th of April in Karlstad, Sweden shows that most people prefer alcohol free disinfection, over alcoholic solutions.
Out of 300 invited guest from the facility management area 48 people participated in the survey. One guest had technical issues with the phone but wanted to vote on A (alcohol free). This vote was not added to the results.
We also noted that several of the participants complained about having to deal with dry hands after using alcohol based hand disinfection at their workplace.
Offering a solution for disinfection that more people use, means less spread of infections at the workplace.
The survey tool used was Survey Legend.
The participants was offered to try disinfection from 2 different dispensers and participated in the Survey by scanning a QR code to submit their preferred choice A or B.
Link to Survey Legends original report
Responsible for the survey was Allan Jensen and Anders Karlsson from Hygiene of Sweden.
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.