Hygiene of Sweden LLC, Detroit extends the FDA registation of Biopolymerplus Hand disinfectant.
A facility in Detroit has been approved for filling and labeling and the alcohol-free formulation has been approved by FDA.
“We see a big potential in the US market for hand disinfection. It is already the biggest market in the world and with a predicted growth by analysts over the next five years it will reach close to 2 Billion USD.
Americans has a generally higher interest and habit of using hand sanitizers in their daily life, visiting stores, doctors office, schools etc. In Europe we have more focused on panic solutions for the COVID pandemic while US already had installations to fill up.
Most products on the US market are alcohol based and with several adjacent trends, health, infection prevention, sustainability, multi-resistant bacteria we see a bigger need for smarter disinfection solutions. Some of our customers are Universities, Hotels and Health care facilities but also the traveling industry has shown interest for our Swedish innovative products. Anders Karlsson, International Sales Hygiene of Sweden”
Hygiene of Sweden deliver disinfection solutions in several states in US. Customers include Alma Collage, Macomb Surgical Center, Best Western Hotel and more.
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.