
Visit us at World Travel and Catering & Onboard Service Event

Hygiene of Sweden is after last years successful exhibition at the worlds Nr 1 travel fair coming back to Hamburg for the WTCE EXPO 2023.

Travel Safe has never been a more relevant topic and with our alcohol free antibacterial formula on hand you minimize the risk of getting infected and spreading unwanted bacteria and viruses.

Make hygiene a great experience for your travelers and avoid the sticky smell from ethanol just before starting the meal. Our travel sizes of products makes it easy to carry onboard or as a gift after leaving the plane.

We offer wipes, pocket sprays and foam bottles in private label.

We also customize solutions for hygiene in lounges, check in counters and disinfection inside the cabin.

Meet us in the booth to discuss hygiene solutions onboard, in Hamburg.

When: 2023-06-06 – 2023-06-08

Where: Booth 4F70
Hamburg Messe, Germany



Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Biocider ska användas på ett säkert sätt. Läs alltid igenom etiketten och produktinformationen före användningen.

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