A non-alcoholic Surface Cleaner that is safe, effective and will not damage materials
Surface Cleaner is a an clinically tested formula proven effective againt bacteria and viruses. It is has a low concentration of active ingredients and it does not oxidize, so it will not damage any materials it comes in contact with.
Our 500 ml bottle comes with a dual purpose dispenser pump which allows you to select either spray or foam.
500 ml Surface Cleaner Data
- Removes 99.999% of bacteria
- Effective against corona- and norovirus
- Long lasting effect
- TouchSafe
- Alcohol free
- Non-reactive, won't damage materials
- Safe for the user
- pH-neutral
- Same viscosity as water

Surface Cleaner REFILL
Surface cleaner is available as a refill option and can be used in biofoggers.
When biofogging with a fogger machine you emit a fine mist which eliminates all pathogens from areas not suitable for conventional cleaning. This can include walls, ceilings, carpets, soft fabrics and otherwise complex surface areas or places you simply can’t reach.
Surface cleaner Data
- Removes 99.999% of bacteria
- Effective against corona- and norovirus
- Long lasting effect
- TouchSafe
- Alcohol free
- Non-reactive, won't damage materials
- Safe for the user
- pH-neutral
- Same viscosity as water

* Use biocidal products in a safe manner. Always read the label and product information before application.